Irish Mistress Lucy

I am Ireland’s Femdom Queen – Irish Mistress Lucy. I hold Professional Fetish & BDSM Sessions in my own premises in the south east of Ireland.  Phone Chat Sessions & Messaging Sessions are also available.

If you are a submissive male, slave, kink curious, experienced player, latex worshipper, boot slave, cuckold, sissy slave, fetish lover, complete beginner or simply adore Dominant Ladies then you have found the right place.


*Click Here to view my Session availability for July 2024* ! 

** Session dates are now listed for July 2024- always best to book early!**

When I am fully booked for Real Life Sessions, I usually have some availability for Phone Chat, Messaging & Phone Consultation Calls. These can be done in between / after my Real Life Sessions. 

If you wish to be added to My Cancellation List, get in touch. If anyone cancels or if an extra Session becomes available I will email/text you. As always have your deposit ready to send! 

Click the menu button on the top corner of this page to see the list of informative pages on my website. This extensive menu list will help direct you quickly to what section is relevant to your interests.

 If you wish to learn more about my personality & session style then click here to learn more about My Unique Femdom Style 

Read on to immerse yourself in my Femdom Journey which led me to this point in my life & what my Future holds…

I’m an Irish born Mistress based in Ireland. I’m in my early 30’s with several years of Professional Experience. I have my own premises with Dungeon Room, Sissy Salon & Office/School Theme Room. I do not rent out or share my place with others.

I’m a full time Professional Fetish Mistress & a Lifestyle Mistress. I have undeniable passion for everything Fetish, BDSM, Kink & Femdom. I have no plans to ever retire & can easily envision myself in 20 years with far larger & even more equipped premises with my long term loyal subs living with me full time.


 Why do I have such a strong loyal following of submissives?

I take my Femdom Sessions / Business very seriously & I truly love my Femdom lifestyle. What sets Me apart from the rest? I am truly a unique Domme who has experience, passion & extremely deviant mind. I really care about my Sessions & those who session with Me. I have great respect for any male who sessions with me, yes I can both respect you and dominate you! I see you as a person, a client, a submissive and not just a € sign who comes through my door!

I am extremely professional & I run a tight ship / business. This is my full time career & not a part time hobby to make some extra money! That’s why I go the extra mile for each session to really make it special for both Mistress & submissive. I’m not here to make a “quick buck” & disappear after a year! I want meet & build a connection with my submissives.

My Professional Sessions afford me the luxury to live my dream and continuously move forward with my plans. So i really value each submissive who returns to Session with Me.
It has only been with the continued support & Professional Sessions with my regular submissives over the past several years I have reach the level I now play at.
I have a undeniable passion for Femdom, BDSM, Fetish & Kink Lifestyle which I cannot ignore or retire from. I’m often told how clear it is that I love what I do from my clients / submissives, which I feel is a huge compliment.


My Femdom Journey

I began my entry into the Femdom & Fetish scene very slowly at 1st. I feel this was the correct path for me as I learned the core values & activities correctly before moving on to more advanced activities.

When I began holding Sessions Professionally it was initially a big step for me to play with ‘strangers’ from the internet! I was very cautious of who I played with & to what level. I did not want my career to end before it had really begun! I’m sure it would have been very easy to be tempted with large tributes to carry out extreme & sometimes risky activities before I was ready & confident  to do them. But I base my entire philosophy on Safe & Professional Play.

I wasn’t beginning this journey on a whim I knew I had a passion for this world and could see the bigger picture. Risky play is never worth any tribute.

As time passed and the more I met experienced submissives I realised how much further I could push in Sessions. I originally set my own personal limits and each year passed I removed more & more limits from my Sessions. I took my time and learned safely each new activity I was interested in. The more new faces brought more new challenges & ideas for me to work with.

From cautious beginnings my Femdom empire started to snowball & I was inundated with Session requests. But I remained true to my own style & thankfully my loyal regular submissives could see how my future was growing and stayed with me from the beginning of my journey.


My Femdom Empire’s Future

Fast forward to present day and I’m still being challenged every week with new ideas! I feel you never stop learning or experimenting in this industry.

There is still so much I want to experience and I’m very much focused on pushing my Femdom empire even further in the next few years. I have that personality type that plays the long game. I’m steady, dedicated & have a strict financial spreadsheet! I’m constantly planning for the future and I have one Big Plan on my horizon.

I will collect a few more specialist pieces over 2021, but at this stage I already have so much equipment that I have to be certain they will be an asset to my business.

There wont be any more large furniture added to my playspace, i have hit max capacity for now. I have to remain patient & concentrate on growing and maintaining my clientele in order to achieve my ultimate Femdom Lifestyle goals.

So please remember when you tribute me for your Session you really are helping to push my dreams and goals closer to me. Every session you book makes all the difference to me achieving this. Every month I reinvest quite a lot back into my equipment, premises, wardrobe, travel to events and more than ever before saving towards my long term Big Plan.

I had a personal goal of international travel to experience Femdom outside my home country. I have nailed that goal & it was well worth all the hard work & planning. It has opened my eyes to an International Level & brought Me so much inspiration for my own Big Plan! It showed me what I really want in life & with my crew behind and under Me there is nothing that will stop Me.

I’m a very positive person & you will never hear me say “I’m bored” I just cant understand how you could be bored? Many wonder how I stay focused & driven all year round.  Its simple, I’m blessed to be able live & experience my Passion on a daily basis with a great variety of wonderful people who come to serve & session with me. So book that Real Life Session, Phone / Skype Session, send a Gift Card or join one of My Fan Pages, Step Up & really help Me achieve my dream.